Wednesday, 24 April 2013

More Energy for Active Moms!

I was complaining to my friends two weeks ago --  being a full-time mom to 3 kids, and working part-time, with a total of 2-hour commute daily.....  is sooo exhausting!  More often than not, at the end of the day, when the kids are tucked-in, I just want to hunker down to bed myself.

But then again, I still have to be a wife!  I try to stay up late for my husband who brings work home til about 12pm, when I normally would hit the sack.   I am so tired! 

Is this the sign that I'm getting old?  At 38, I try to eat healthy,  and squeeze some pilates in between fetching the kids from their tuition centers.  But still, I don't feel revived! 

My friends recommended this latest product from Pharmanex, the health supplement brand of Nu Skin Enterprises.  It's called Ageloc R2.  It's another revolutionary product as it's address Aging at the source .. our genes.

There are actually two components that make up this product.  

Taken in the morning, ageLOC R2 Day optimises cellular energy production to help you recharge and take control of a new day.

Taken in the evening, ageLOC R2 Night optimises each cell’s natural purification process, helping you start each day feeling refreshed and renewed.

So, unlike all the other multi-vitamins and supplements in the market, it's more tailored to give you a boost in the morning, when you need it and allows you a restful sleep at night.

I've been taking Ageloc R2 for a week now, and so far, I've seen improvement in my energy.  I'm more alert as soon as I wake up in the morning.  I don't feel sluggish and there's no dragging of feet like before; and at night, I am more relaxed and my sleep is deep, unlike before when I wake up at the first sound of my maid banging pots and pots in the kitchen.  Less dreams, as well.  I actually hate dreaming at night.  It gets me anxious since my subsconcious is acting overtime.  It's probably the reason I wake up tired before.

If you are interested to get this amazing ageloc R2, costs 8,000 Php for a 30day supply;  you call the company directly at  689-NUSKIN or drop by their offices at 15th Floor Octagon Building, San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City.

This is me --- more energetic and longer stamina to run and play with my growing children!


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